What to Do with Old Underwear?
An awkward thought occasionally crosses everyone's minds: What do you do with your old underwear? Almost everyone has outgrown a pair of underwear, but getting rid of them in a way that is both responsible and environmentally friendly can take time and effort. Donating your old underwear may be the first thing that comes to mind. Used underwear donations are suspicious at best and downright gross after some reflection. Wearing it until the last remaining stitch breaks is an option, but it's not the most prudent course of action. Here are some suggestions for repurposing your old underwear. •Upcycle Your forebears have been upcycling old underwear long before you were born because it's the simplest of the three options. Culturally, Filipinos have a strong distaste for waste. Hence, the existence of fish in old ice cream containers, cookie tins, and a plethora of sewing supplies. These methods have long been recognized as indicators of sustainability. In its most ...